A Summer Show

Just a quick post this time, to share that my work is going to be in a real live show in a lovely venue! RHS Harlow Carr near Harrogate to be precise https://www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/harlow-carr/viewevent?EFID=2627&ESRC=CMS Here are some details of work that I will be showing there… This large hooped piece is all about my joy inContinue reading “A Summer Show”

Stars for the Season

I read today that the best time to see a meteor shower could be next weekend – the Geminids will peak with about 120 meteors per hour being visible! I’m hoping for some clear skies so I can go out and see them. This reminded me of the hospital arts project I’ve been working onContinue reading “Stars for the Season”

Do Your Own Thing..

Tuesday was such a lovely day! My first public workshop of 2020 – held at the lovely Shipley Art Gallery in Gateshead. I started out early so I could squeeze in my regular Tuesday swim before the workshop and managed a kilometre even though I forgot my goggles 🥽- tried swimming with my eyes shutContinue reading “Do Your Own Thing..”